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Graph Manager

This module is used to interact with a set of merged RDF/OWL graphs.

class eltk.utils.GraphManager.GraphManager(graphs)

GraphManager takes a list of RDF and OWL files, merges them, and provides convenience methods for extracting data from the (combined) graph. Note: It contains GOLD specific funtion calls. Also, when the documentation refers to ‘object’ this should be interpreted by the user as the object node within the graph (subject predicate object) entity relations and not ‘object’ in the sense of OOP. Also, the term ‘subject’ should be considered the ‘subject’ node.


Return a list of subjects that match rdf:type bibtex:hasAddress

Parameter:subject (str) – a URI
Return type:list

Return a list of subjects that match rdf:type bibtex:Article

Return type:list

Return a list of subjects that match rdf:type biblio:hasAuthorList

Parameter:subject (str) – a URI
Return type:list

Return a list of authors that match the subject and biblio:hasAuthorList, e.g.:

  • s: rdf:about=””
  • p: biblio:hasAuthorList
Parameter:subject (str) – a URI
Return type:list

Returns a list of rdflib.Literal.Literal objects

Return type:list

Return a list of subjects that match rdf:type bibtex:hasBookTitle

Parameter:subject (str) – a URI
Return type:list

Return a list of subjects that match rdf:type bibtex:Book

Return type:list

Return a list of subjects that match rdf:type bibtex:hasChapter

Parameter:subject (str) – a URI
Return type:list

Return a list of objects where the subject parameter matches the biblio[“hasCitation”] predicate

Parameter:subject (str) – a URI
Return type:list

Return a list of objects where the subject parameter matches the biblio[“hasAddress”] predicate

Parameter:subject (str) – a URI
Return type:list

Get object matches of a graph given a tuple (subject, biblio:hasAuthorList). The subject passed it needs to be a string and not a rdflib.URI object.

Parameter:subject (str) – subject passed it needs to be a string and not a rdflib.URI object
Return type:list

Return a list of objects where the subject parameter matches the rdfs[“comment”] predicate

Parameter:subject (str) – a URI
Return type:list

Return a list of objects where the subject parameter matches the biblio[“hasEditorList”] predicate

Parameter:subject (str) – a URI
Return type:list

Return a list of objects where the subject parameter matches the biblio[“hasEntry”] predicate

Parameter:subject (str) – a URI
Return type:list

Return a list of objects where the subject parameter matches the biblio[“hasJournal”] predicate

Parameter:subject (str) – a URI
Return type:list

Get object matches of a graph given a tuple (subject, biblio:hasBookTitle). The subject passed it needs to be a string and not a rdflib.URI object.

Parameter:subject (str) – subject passed it needs to be a string and not a rdflib.URI object
Return type:list

Return a list of objects where the subject parameter matches the biblio[“hasPublisher”] predicate

Parameter:subject (str) – a URI
Return type:list

Return a list of objects where the subject parameter matches the biblio[“hasSeries”] predicate

Parameter:subject (str) – a URI
Return type:list

Get object matches of a graph given a tuple (subject, biblio:hasBookTitle). The subject passed it needs to be a string and not a rdflib.URI object.

Parameter:subject (str) – subject passed it needs to be a string and not a rdflib.URI object
Return type:list

Return a list of objects where the subject parameter matches the biblio[“hasVolume”] predicate

Parameter:subject (str) – a URI
Return type:list

Return a list of objects where the subject parameter matches the biblio[“hasPageInformation”] predicate

Parameter:subject (str) – a URI
Return type:list

Returns all subjects that match rdfs:type predicates and owl:Class objects. Returns a list of type rdflib.Literal.Literal.

Return type:list
Returns:a list of rdflib.URIRef.URIRef objects

Gets each class’ rdfs:comment. Takes a list of subjects. Returns a list of lists of rdflib.Literals, which are of type list, e.g. [rdflib.Literal(‘Verbalizer is the class of category changing units that change nouns into verbs.’, language=None, datatype=None)]. Print on an rdflib.Literal prints the URI.

Parameter:subject (str) – a URI
Return type:list

Gets each class’ rdfs:comment. Takes a list of subjects. Returns a list of lists of rdflib.Literals, which are of type list, e.g. [rdflib.Literal(‘Verbalizer is the class of category changing units that change nouns into verbs.’, language=None, datatype=None)]

Parameter:l (list) – a list of subject nodes
Return type:list

Return a list of subjects that match rdf:type biblio:hasEditorList

Parameter:subject (str) – a URI
Return type:list

Return a list of subjects that match rdf:type bibtex:InCollection

Return type:list

Return a list of subjects that match rdf:type bibtex:InProceedings

Return type:list

Return a list of subjects that match rdf:type bibtex:hasJournal

Parameter:subject (str) – a URI
Return type:list

Return a list of objects where the subject parameter matches the rdfs[“label”] predicate

Parameter:subject (str) – a URI
Return type:list

Return a list of objects where the subject parameter matches the rdfs[“label”] predicate

Parameter:l (list) – a list of subject (strs) as URIs
Return type:list

Return length of (merged) graph(s).

Return type:int
Returns:length of the graph

Return a list of subjects that match rdf:type bibtex:Misc

Return type:list

Return a list of subjects that match rdf:type bibtex:hasPages

Parameter:subject (str) – a URI
Return type:list

Return a list of subjects that match rdf:type bibtex:PhDThesis

Return type:list

Return a list of predicate and object tuples for a given subject

Parameter:subject (str) – a URI
Return type:list
Returns:a list of predicate and object tuples that match the

Return a list of subjects that match rdf:type bibtex:hasPublisher

Parameter:subject (str) – a URI
Return type:list

Returns a sequence of objects that match the subject parameter and rdf:_1

Parameter:subject (str) – a URI
Return type:list

Return a list of predicates_object tuples that have a bnode

Parameter:bnode (str) – a URI
Return type:list

Returns a list of rdflib.URIRef objects that contains the subClassOf relations for the passed in subject.

Parameter:subject (str) – a URI
Return type:list

Returns a list of (subject, object) tuples for the given predicate. The predicate may be passed as either a uri or as a tuple of (uri_prefix, concept).

Parameter:predicate (str) – a URI
Return type:list

Return a list of subjects that match rdf:type bibtex:TechReport

Return type:list

Return a list of subjects that match rdf:type bibtex:Title

Parameter:subject (str) – a URI
Return type:list

Return a list of subjects that match rdf:type bibtex:hasVolume

Parameter:subject (str) – a URI
Return type:list

Return a list of subjects that match rdf:type bibtex:hasYear

Parameter:subject (str) – a URI
Return type:list

Returns a list of of (rdflib.URIRef, rdflib.URIRef) tuples for (subject, object) defined by the predicate rdfs:isDefinedBy.

Return type:list
Print the graph