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Termset is the Python data structure equivalent of termset graphs which are logical components of the GOLD Community Model. Put simply, they contain term-concept mappings, e.g., “PST”–gold:PastTense. A termset contains a set of scientific ‘terms’ used as part of an annotation system, usually the standard terms from a particular linguistic theory or community of practice. A term is a specific string representing a concept within some scientific domain. Terms may have a standard orthographic representation such as “past tense” or an abbreviation such as “PST”.


class eltk.kb.Termset.Termset(identifier='')

Termset is the class representing a termset.


Given some abbreviation, e.g., ‘PST’, or full form, e.g., ‘past tense’, return the GOLD URI indicated by that string.

Parameter:term_string (string) – the string representation (abbreviation or full form) of the term
Returns:the URI of the GOLD concept represented by the string
Return type:rdflib.URIRef.URIRef

Illustration of usage